Breast Cancer

According to top oncologists, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Early diagnosis will help keep the disease under control. Around 30% of breast cancer cases are aggressive with rapidly growing tumors.

Breast cancer
  • A lump observed in the breast or under the arm.
  • Swelling or shrinking of the breast, perhaps on one side
  • Discharge of fluid from the nipple
  • Redness or thickening of breast skin.
  • An inverted nipple
  • Dimpled breast
  • The doctor discusses a family history
  • Physical examination of breasts
  • Biopsy
  • Various imaging procedures like mammogram, MRI, and ultrasound.

Women who have a family history of breast cancer are advised to have regular screening.

  1. Lumpectomy: This is a technique in which surgery is performed, and only the cancerous tissue is removed along with a layer of healthy tissue surrounding it.
  2. Mastectomy: In this procedure, the complete breast is removed. Sometimes the doctor tries to save the nipple if avoidable. A skin-sparing mastectomy is a technique where the surgeon removes the inner breast tissue but keeps the skin intact. The nipple is reconstructed by filling up with tissue from the abdomen.
  3. Lymph Node Biopsy: During the removal of cancer cells from breast, a biopsy of the lymph node is mandatory to examine the spread of the cancer cells from the breast to the lymph nodes.
  4. Therapy: Therapies such as chemotherapy, hormonal treatment etc., are done to eliminate cancer cells.
  5. Radiation Therapy: If early-stage breast cancer has been diagnosed then only the cancerous cells are administered radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is sometimes given soon after lumpectomy to prevent resurgence.
  6. Breast Reconstruction: Breast reconstructive surgery can be conducted after a mastectomy. Patients need to discuss this possibility before going in for the operation.
  7. Breast Prosthesis: For some women, reconstruction is not possible. Doctors advise artificial breast prosthesis for these women. Doctors provide inserts to make the busts appear symmetrical. These are called Breast prostheses. There are a variety of them available now to help patients post-surgery.

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